Paul Halley B 1972 – The Halley Quartet

Buy Paul Halley’s first CD featuring the tracks Angel, The Hand of Fate, Midnight, Cello Fantasia, Autumn, Adagio in F and the ever popular Winter.

The track ‘Winter’ is also available for free download, just click Winter below then right-click the ‘Download’ link under the audio player.

All tracks performed by Adrian Keating, Sarah Moir, Joanna Landstra, Ilir Merxhushi. Solo violin in “Angel” by Sarah Moir”. Cello Fantasia performed by Ilir Merxhushi.



  1. Absolutely beautiful work. Thank you.

  2. I have no adequate words to describe the beauty of this music. Thank you for allowing us to download it – I really appreciate it~ Your music is like a gift from the gods ^^

  3. Janine

    Hello Paul,

    I’d just like you to know how much i appreciate your music. It’s extremely relaxing and enlightens a lot of my late-night-shifts for university.

    Thank you very much for the downloads.

    Best wishes
    Janine, Berlin

  4. such beauty flowing into my ears right now. thank you thank you for sharing your gifts with us <3

  5. Vy Lam

    I am lost for word. Magnificent. Thank you for letting us download it for free. You are a true artist who don’t work for money, and spending your precious time to reply to your audiences, too. Thank you.

  6. Michael

    Thanks, Paul.
    I saw “The Maker” and followed the links to here. What a treasure trove of beautiful music. Thank you for sharing it and I wish you many years of good health to continue creating such moving pieces.

    • Thanks Michael, yes working on the other movements of my seasons quartets now. (thats 4 quartets of 3 movements each)

  7. Thank you! You add a bright color to my life. Olga, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

  8. Carolina

    Congrats for the excellent music. It’s powerful and touching. It was very kind of you to make them available to download. Wish you love and inspiration, Carolina.

  9. Michael Angeletti

    This is excellent work, and thanks so much for the free copies. I’m a software engineer, working alone – great music helps me escape. I typically listen to Baroque music during the day (some Vivaldi, Corelli, Piazzolla, et al), and some classical because I can’t seem to find many modern day musicians whose music makes me feel the way these ancient greats do. Your music makes me feel this way. Thanks.

    P.S. I headed straight from the “The Maker” trailer on YouTube to iTunes to buy “Winter” (was too impatient to notice the link 2 lines down), then came back to the YouTube page to find the link.

    • Great to hear! Yes I agree. I Find the vast majority of modern classical appalling! The greats of the past are my role models not the present day “greats”…

  10. Marius

    Hello Paul.
    I was very depressed today. I lost something… i really loved.
    And your music changes everything for me. I’m so happy. ^^
    Thanks for the free download… One question:
    A Friend and me work together on a little game. Can we use
    some of your great work for this game?
    Thank you for your Music and have a nice day

  11. Marie Cortez

    C’est parfait. I love it your music. Congratulations.

  12. Hello Paul!
    Your music is awesome!
    I’m a music student from barcelona(Catalunya) and i would really like to play “winter” with my string quartet!!! Could you send me the sheet of winter for string quartet!?
    Thank you so much!!!

  13. Daniel

    And i forgot to say . Let the stars watch over you !! its a blessing !

  14. Saehawn Ra

    Hello This is some Korean student.
    Your music moved my mind in The Maker so I couldnt visit your Website! I am Fascinated by Wonderful ness!! I will be fan of you, paul

  15. I too discovered your music while surfing short films on youtube and finding “The Maker”. I’ve now downloaded everything and haven’t been able to stop listening. I feel that your music is richly filled with soul and passion, and makes feel ways that I only feel rarely. As if the harmony is touching my essence…I know that sounds corny, but it’s true. So, thank you. Thank you for creating this. My favorite so far is “Hand of Fate”. I will listen to it for as long as I’m alive! Good luck on creating more.

  16. Jacqueline

    I've been trying to watch ‘The Maker’ with my twin sister for months now, and we just watched it.
    When we heard the music to the video we became captivated!
    I play violin, my twin sister plays cello, and my youngest sister plays viola- I know this is far fetched but do you sell or offer any of your sheet music? Particularly winter.

    Thanks for your time, and your music is just beautiful(:


  17. Natan Enek

    Thank you, Paul for this awesome music!
    Lovely is: Hand of Fate, Autumn and Winter!

  18. I had never heard anything so beautiful before…
    Thank you so much for your music!!!

  19. for my son

    Love your music, my son is studying for hsc. I am putting it on now in background. Should improve those hours of work.

  20. Deeks ishak

    out of this world , great music , thank you very much

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