A director friend of mine Christopher Kezelos approached me to collaborate on a short film where he wanted to create a narrative inspired by my music.
The end result is the enchanting stop motion animation called “The Maker” where my composition ‘Winter‘ is used as the soundtrack. Check out the film below.
Keep up to date with The Maker by joining the Facebook fan page.
Hello, glad to be able to send you this message and tell him how much I liked their composition, certainly has done his music makes me go ahead I am estudinte of music I play violin, and would appreciate it much if could send me the sheet music of “Winter” to my email, I’m fascinated by his work and congratulations
I apologize for the English, I used a translator online
Hi Paul! Me and my music friends would love to play winter. We will be very grateful if you send us the sheet music for a quartet. Thanks!
Hello Paul, I really love the piece at first listening, it’s great I’ll like to play with my string quartet,please I’ll be grateful if you can email me the sheet music
Dear Paul, good day!
My name is Igor and I live in Russia, Saint-Petersburg.
I’m fond of playing the violin.
At present I have been practising a lot.
I liked your composition “Winter” very much.
And I would be very glad to play this composition.
it possible please send me notes of this composition
Hey Paul! I love this song and I was curious if you could make it for cello.
I would love to play this!
Hello Paul,
The first time I heard Winter, I fell in love with the music. I was absolutely enthralled. You’re a brilliant man! It would be great honour for me to play that piece with a few of my colleagues as an adaption. If it’s possible, I would be happy to have your sheet music.
Hello Paul.
I’m Amaia from Spain. When one friend show me “Winter” I felt in love with. I play the viola but I have a Classical group and one of my desires would be play your music, like an adaptation.
If it would be possible, I will be so happy to have your sheet music.
My email is inilacuni@hotmail.com
Thank you for Reading and hope your answer
Regards from Spain
Hello, my name is Diana and, first of all, congratulations your music is wonderful!!, I love it!
I am currently learning to play violin, and I wonder if you could send me the score of “Winter”? I love this song and would like to learn to play.
My email is: anaid_9801@hotmail.com or anaid9801@gmail.com
thank you! and congratulations!
pd. sorry if something is not understood, my english is not good yet
you are awsome!
your composition is incredible i really love winter
please if you could send me that sheet i will be soooo sooo happy pleaseee!!
hellow from ecuador!
Hi Mr. Halley, I’m an aspiring violinist and it would really make me happy if I could get my hands on Winter! If you can, it’d be great. Thank you!
Hey, Paul. I just would like to say that your music is wonderfull and you’re a inspiration to me. Thank you for that. I’m yeat a beginner, but in the future i hope i can play your songs.
Sorry if i writted something wrong. I’m from Brazil. My english is not perfect.
Hi Sir Paul.
I love your music, It’s amazing!!! really!. Winter it’s one of my favorites of your pieces.
Now I learn to play the violin and your music inspire me a lot.
Congrats for all your music! You’re awesome!
If you don’t have problem… can you send your Winter’s sheet?, ’cause I will want to play it! please!… I hope that you want to share me your sheet.
Regards from Mexico! <3
Hi Paul, well I LOVE YOUR MUSIC! Well I heard “Winter” I loved it. You’re a great violinist! I’m your fan!
By the way…
I’m studying to play de violin and If you want/can send your sheet of winter, I will most happy girl in the world!’cause I hope to learn this beautiful song… can you?
My e-mail is vivi.horta.montano@gmail.com
Thanks! and Congrats! You’re awesome! Really!!
Regards from Mexico!
no problem!
Could you maybe send me a copy too? I am a violinist by the way.
sure no probs
Could you send it to me too? It is a beautiful work.
Hi Paul, I’m from Argentina and I’m in love with your music!
Could you tell me where to get the music sheets?
Thanks for so much art! be happy!
Yes email me paulhalley@paulhalley.com.au
you are awesome, congratulations by your composition. I’m pianist but I love the sound of the violin, it’s ridiculously gorgeous!
Regards from Brazil!
Good evening Paul.
I liked too much of his composition “Winter” used as a soundtrack in “The Maker”, but I don’t have to pay for the sheet msuic that you offer on your website and I also have no computer at home, I’m using an old one that there’s at my school.
I’m not wantin’ to seem a pity it never, but I just wanted to ask if you could give me the scores. Your music needs to be heard by many and I’m sure that’ll awaken the desire to learn violin in many. The violin is amazing, my essence is contained in it. Paul Thank you for existing.
Hello everyone, I just saw the video “Maker” on youtube. As soon as I heard “Winter” I fell in love with this song immediately. Hoping I could get the score for it too, thanks (: . Oh and if Paul is unable to send me the music could someone else in possession of the score please sent it to my email and title it “Winter”, thank you. My email is will221bee@ymail.com. Thanks (:
OMG! Thats an amazing work!
Music is stunning….
Hi! at the first place, congratulations for this excelent melody I love It. Im from méxico and I play the violin, and I want to play this particular song with my teacher, please, if you could send me the sheet music of Winter to play it, I will grateful. Please, I hope and answer thanks.